Saturday 31 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - post launch book promotion

Have been busy today emailing short news articles to Sussex Life and The Argus (local newspaper). I'm not optimistic that they will be published but you've got to try. I have entered a short piece about the launch on my author page on the Troubador website and sent off further details and photos for possible use on their website. The staff at Matador/Troubador have been great, not only in getting From Nemesis Island published but also in helping with the difficult task of marketing and promoting the book.

I promised some detail about the launch today so here goes.

I was pleased to hold it in Maritime House where I wrote the novel and I felt it was also appropriate because of the setting overlooking a port (one of the major locations in From Nemesis Island is a port in the Adriatic.) I wore a sailor style outfit to carry on this idea and forced my ever patient husband and daughter to do the same. Made the photos more interesting I thought, especially as we went out to the picnic area overlooking the harbour once the formalities inside were over.

The launch gave me a chance to thank people who had helped me achieve the publication of the book including staff at Maritime house, everyone at Matador publishers and, again, husband Peter and daughter Steph. Being able to say a few words about the book was important to me and I explained that it was written as a thriller with the aim of keeping the reader turning the pages. Some of the themes may be unfamiliar, and some well beyond what we will ever experience. There is, therefore, some explicit language and imagery but nothing was written without a basis in fact. The imagination merely places it in the context of the book's narrative. I hope those who read it will enjoy it, and if it provides something to think about as well, then that's great. Christine Mustchin

Friday 30 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - launch at last

Finally made it. For a launch that was scheduled from 1230-1400 it may seem curious that only now have I time to make a note on my blog. I shall write in more detail tomorrow but wanted to record today that all went well. A handful of expected people could not make it at the last minute, but one or two others turned up instead. It was not a large gathering but a pleasant one and several family and friends stayed into the afternoon which was spent at the local cafe-bar near our home. A few even made it back to our place for tea and lots of discussion about books and marketing. I will reflect on the event later. This evening I have been trying to send an email to the news desk of the local paper. My mail server would not do the honours so I will try again tomorrow. If it does not go soon it will not be news. Christine Mustchin

Thursday 29 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - and then there were none

No more count down days left. Tomorrow the launch day arrives. Everything seems in place but would not have been without stalwart help of Peter. He will get a special mention in my speech. I have just finished it and decided to do my usual and write it out in full. I can adlib if needs be but I think 4 minutes is more than enough.

Got Peter to take some photos overlooking the harbour and even press ganged Kim, the receptionist, into posing too - just in case there is no time tomorrow. Unfortunately weather was blustery so hair was blown all over the place. Got some funny looks too from people taking ciggie breaks from their offices. Full report tomorrow of course ( or Saturday if the celebrations go on into the evening.) Christine Mustchin

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - Google gets it

Google has recognised my blog! It came up on page three of a google search of my name. Seems putting my name in the text and title of my book From Nemesis Island in the label has worked. I know that linking the blog to a well known web site also helps. I wonder if my letter to The Observer will count. I put the blog name at the end. The letter did not mention my book or the launch but I felt I had to respond to a feature article on FGM. It's something I've been concerned about since working as a medical student in obstetrics. Readers of From Nemesis Island will see what I mean.

Meantime the launch arrangments continue with a supermarket trip and preparation of posters to put up in Maritime House Business Centre on the day. I'm so pleased to be using the Centre as I wrote the book in an office there and I like the maritime connection as the builidng overlooks Shoreham Port. There is another link as well since my book has one of its central locations in a port. Christine Mustchin

I'm getting anxious about arrangments now, particularly about how to take photos of the harbour area that include the launch. I've written another brief article about the launch for Matador and will need these photos to illustrate the text.

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - what to do next

I seem to have spent so much time in front of a computer screen today with little to show for the book launch. No more acceptances and no idea of how many people attending from Maritime House where I have my office. If too many colleagues decide to attend it will be cosy indeed. Encouraged by the venue, though, which has been tidied and cleared of clutter - I think it will work ok. The reception staff are being just so helpful.

Wrote two articles about the launch today. I'm not sure if they will be accepted but, when I have a photo to send off, I can but try. Christine Mustchin.

Monday 26 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - friends and family

I had a wonderful Saturday evening discussion with my father about the book. It reminded me of the serious themes embedded in the page turning thriller style of narrative - there for the taking or not as the reader pleases.

More discussion about the book with friends the next day. Enjoying their hospitality in a Dorset village I was given a chance to explain a bit about how the book came to be written and published. I am so lucky to have friends and family who are so interested and supportive. The book launch is not only a celebration but a chance to say thank you to them.

Returned home today with Sunday newspaper article about one of the book's themes. I am considering whether this could lead into an approach re a review of the book. Meantime the Self-publishing magazine has agreed to accept it for reveiw. Christine Mustchin.

Saturday 24 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - nautical food

Awake at 5am thinking of culinary aspects of the book launch. With a nautical theme I ought to have nautical food - sounds like something from Lewis Carroll. I'll deal with that next week. Instead today went and got more bubbly - very important as I am still getting acceptances and the numbers of attendees is growing.

The other thing bubbling in the back of my mind is how to get people to read this blog. Don't think I have a clear enough theme in the text. I could try putting my name in all the entries - might sound a bit strange. Something else for next week then. Christine Mustchin

Friday 23 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - amazing

No not me, I'm not amazing - but today certainly has been pretty amazing.

1.The acquisitions librarian has accepted a copy of my book for Hove library and will order more for other Brighton branches if the uptake is good.
2.My local independent bookshop, City Books, has accepted a copy.
3.I have a confirmed booksigning on 28 August at Waterstone's in Brighton and the local paper The Argus has agreed to give it advance publicity. Matador are producing posters for me to advertise the event.
4.I have taken the first steps to getting the book reviewed (with trepidation I hasten to add - no one wants a bad review but, as I said before, it's got to be done.)

Amazing too what I've discovered by researching for book reviewers thorough the internet. There are just so many online reading groups and review groups. One American site was talking of reaching out to 3 million people! I had no idea of the extent of the phenomenon. Learning curves again!

And to end the day on a sartorial note, I went shopping for nautical type tee-shirts. Even found one acceptable to Peter! Christine Mustchin.

Thursday 22 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - pensive about publicity

Pensive about publicity is certainly true for today. I have a contact now at the local newspaper but have missed the boat for a feature about the book launch. Will try sending a short email piece to the news editor instead. You never know. I have two other outlets for a piece about the launch so all is not lost.

How to get the book known? Everyone says this is where you the hard work begins - another cliche to digest.

Hours on the internet educating myself on the way forward and there's no dodging it now, I have to get reviewed. The Self-publishing Magazine is a must and then there are the blogger reviews - ever more important and at least kind or silent.

Final publicity pensive for the day - the more you do, the more there is to do. I won't be the first to have discovered that. Christine Mustchin.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - Small steps and a different launch

These little steps could not have been achieved without a car and Peter; driving me to south London, patiently navigating me around with the help of Mr Tom Tom. And the cause? A launch on a few chosen bookshops. After a circular tour taking in Crystal Palace, Penge, Sydenham, Dulwich, Clapham, Wandsworth, Beckenham and back to Crystal Palace I had managed to place my novel with independent bookshops in Crystal Palace and Clapham on a sale or return basis. Small steps to sales but an achievement none the less. Christine Mustchin.

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - Launches and learning curves

Back to the office today where I do my writing. Not much writing being done at the moment, though, as the launch takes over my energies. Turning the organising of an event into an interesting diary entry requires a talent that certainly eludes me today. Marketing is another elusive subject, reducing me to the obvious words - curve, learning, steep.

The office is a short walk from my flat along the promenade and watching the sea in its various moods usually helps solve creative conundrums or provide a nugget of thought. Today my tussle has been with press coverage until I read that the default state these days is for press not to attend events (not enough staff and time). One less thing to worry about then - so the sea said. Christine Mustchin.

Monday 19 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - A birthday and books

A belated birthday lunch yesterday led to chatterings about the book launch. Out of the five of us only one (husband of my step sister) hadn't read my book. Husband Peter had read the book in various manifestations during the course of its writing and my father was the first to buy and read a pre-publication copy. I must have read it at some point I suppose but I have been suprised at finding out that other people have already bought it on the internet and read it. I am learning that the publication date (2 August) is a formality rather than an actuality now that on-line purchases are so common. Step-sister Marilyn asked about posting a reveiw on Amazon. Yes please, well if it's positive. They are all coming to the launch and it was so good to hear their enthusiatic support. Think I need to get some more bubbly. And, by the way, the lunch was extremely good - Hallidays in Funtington if you're ever passing.

Today I have been reflecting on google and other search engines. Once you have published something, your internet privacy has gone forever and, with an unusual surname such as I acquired through marriage, you can no longer kid yourself that there are any hiding places left. Got to get used to it! Christine Mustchin.

Saturday 17 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - Hove on sea

A visit from the grandchildren today, Sam aged 7 and Toby aged 5 - always a pleasure to see them enjoy being by the sea. Today the sea was in spate and we sat by the concrete groyne, out of the wind, watching the rollers crash onto the beach and advance ever closer to our spot. Magic!
Steph, my daughter was wearing a stripy top - very nautical and I was back to my launch theme again. She will be serving the refreshments with Peter, my husband, dealing with the book sales. I'm sure Steph would be happy to adopt a yachting style for the occasion but I can't say the same for Peter.
I'm getting used to a daily blog - at least until launch day. No followers yet but then who knows about me yet? I guess emails to friends would be a good way to start. I'll add that to my "to do" list for next week. Christine Mustchin.

Friday 16 July 2010

Christine Mustchin - Book Launch

Fourteen days and counting to the launch of my first published novel and the first blog I have ever written.

The launch is not going to be a big affair but, thanks to publishers Matador who helped me self-publish, my thriller From Nemesis Island is now in book form and I wanted to celebrate.

I wrote the book in a rented office in Maritime House, Portslade and it seemed appropriate to hold the launch there. Today I have been buying bottles of bubbly and checking replies from the invitations.

I've been wondering how to introduce a nautical theme to the event - I can't see me in a sailor suit though! Christine Mustchin.